Monday, 21 May 2018


So, I've decided to switch back to Blogger. For a while I hosted my own blog on a Raspberry Pi in our sitting room, but limited time for maintenance meant it had a less than 100% up-time. I think it might be time for someone else to worry about routine maintenance.

And in honour of the switch back to Blogger, I'd like to mention a guest in our garden that's made an unexpected move. For the last two or three years I've had a couple of Allium ursinum bulbs (wild garlic) in a small pot, debating whether to plant them in the garden or not. On the plus side, they're edible, make a nice ground-cover in the Spring, and the white allium flowers are attractive. On the negative side, they really smell of garlic, so a dense carpet of them might just annoy the neighbours a bit.

Well, it looks like the plant itself has, unnoticed, made the decision for me. There are lots of suspiciously similar seedlings around the corner where I was keeping the pot, a few of which have even flowered. Here's a picture of a tiny plant with flowers.

It's funny how I found Allium ursinum so difficult to raise from seed in trays, but left to its own devices it self-seeds happily. And now they're there, I just don't have the heart to pull them up... I'll just wait and see if they come back bigger and stronger next year.

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